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Tag Archives: Pranje denarja

Mehika – Tolpe, ki uporabljajo igre na srečo za pranje denarja v vzhodni Evropi

Vse več je strahov, da mehiške mamilarske združbe uporabljajo igralnice v vzhodni Evropi za pranje denarja. Kartela Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) in kartel Sinaloa sta razširila svoje delovanje v vzhodnoevropske države, kjer so albanske kriminalne združbe odgovorne za pranje njihovega denarja, pravijo varnostni organi. Po navedbah lokalnih oblasti sta oba kartela vzpostavila povezave ...

Belgium – EGBA strengthens anti-money laundering efforts with new pan-European guidelines

The European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) has published the first ever pan-European, self-regulatory guidelines to strengthen the anti-money laundering (AML) efforts of Europe’s online gambling operators and support the sector’s contribution to the fight against money laundering. The publication of the guidelines continues EGBA’s commitment to promote the highest level of industry responsibility. The EGBA guidelines…

UK – Buzz Group kaznovana zaradi kršenja zakonov o pranju denarja

Buzz Group, which operates buzzbingo.com, must pay a £780,000 fine after a Commission investigation revealed social responsibility and money laundering failures. It has also received a formal warning for the failures which occurred between October 2019 and December 2020. Social responsibility failures included not sufficiently identifying at-risk players as financial triggers were set too high….

Avstralija – Komisija za boj proti kriminalu NSW sproži preiskavo pranja denarja v pubih in klubih

The Commissioner of the NSW Crime Commission, Michael Barnes, has invited submissions to the Commission’s inquiry into money laundering in pubs and clubs. “Working with the NSW Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, we’ve established that last year $85 billion was gambled in poker machines in pubs and clubs in…

Australia – The Star loses $1bn in value as media scrutiny turns to its money laundering failures

Australian casino group Star Entertainment saw its shares fall by 22.9 per cent, taking nearly $1bn off the company’s market value, following a TV report by 60 Minutes and news paper articles in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, claiming Star allowed money laundering by organised crime at its Sydney and Gold Coast casinos….

Avstralija – Austrac sproži preiskavo pranja denarja v Perthu, Sydneyju in Adelaidi

Zdi se, da bo več polemik v igralniškem sektorju v Avstraliji, kjer je Avstralski center za poročila o transakcijah in analizo (Austrac) stopil v stik s tremi glavnimi operaterji zaradi morebitnih kršitev pranja denarja. Austrac je stopil v stik s Crown Resorts, Star Entertainment Group in SkyCity Entertainment Group zaradi kršitev zakonov proti pranju denarja v igralnicah v Perthu,…

Nizozemska – KSA spreminja smernice o pranju denarja pred spletnim lansiranjem

Nizozemski organ za igre na srečo KSA je spremenil smernice Wwft z namenom, da 1. aprila 2021 začne veljati Zakon o igrah na daljavo (Koa). Zakon o preprečevanju pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma (Wwft) bo veljal tudi za ponudnike spletnih iger na srečo. Trenutno veljajo določbe v…

Singapur – Preiskava v marini Bay Sands bi lahko VIP-osebe poslala tekmecem

Ameriško ministrstvo za pravosodje (DOJ) preiskuje singapursko igralnico Las Vegas Sands v Singapurju zaradi morebitnega kršenja zakonov proti pranju denarja. Ministrstvo za pravosodje je domnevno izdalo sodni poziv nekdanjemu vodji skladnosti MBS, naj zagotovi dokumente in vse druge informacije v zvezi z računi VIP igralcev. Preiskava se nanaša na izlete ...

UK – Caesars facing £13m fine in the UK as three senior managers lose their licences

The Gambling Commission has announced that Caesars Entertainment UK Limited is to pay £13m and must implement a series of improvements following a catalogue of social responsibility, money laundering and customer interaction failures including those involving ‘VIPs’. As a result of this investigation three senior managers at the company surrendered their personal licences. The regulator’s…