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Tag Archives: Tarragona

Španija – odobrena prodaja zemljišča za Hard Rock Entertainment World

Nakup in prodaja zemljišča za Hard Rock Entertainment World v Tarragoni v Španiji je bila končno odobrena. Incasòl mora kupiti zemljišče, ki je v lasti hčerinske družbe Criteria - Mediterranea Beach & Golf Community, za 120 milijonov evrov. Ministrstva za gospodarstvo in finance ter za ozemlje in trajnost so pooblaščena za…

Španija – Prodaja zemljišča podjetju Hard Rock Tarragona je neizbežna

Po besedah ​​ministrice za ozemlje in trajnost, Damià Calvet, bi se lahko prodaja zemljišča, kjer je treba zgraditi kompleks Hard Rock v rekreacijskem in turističnem središču (CRT) Vila-seca in Salou, uresničila v nekaj tednih. Calvet je potrdil, da vlada sodeluje "z vsemi zainteresiranimi stranmi", da bi dokončala to ...

Spain – Hard Rock has 2020 vision to break ground in Spain

The construction of the first phase of the Hard Rock project in Vila Seca and Salou could be underway in just over a year. The first phase of the Hard Rock Entertainment World complex in Vila-Seca and Salou could begin construction in May 2020, just two years after it was given the green light by…

Španija – Katalonija je končno dala prednost igralnici Hard Rock Casino v Vila-Seci in Salouju

Katalonska vlada je v svojem Uradnem listu objavila, da je podjetju Hard Rock Entertainment World dala zeleno luč za izgradnjo igralniškega in rekreacijskega kompleksa v Vila-Seca in Salouju. Igralnica se bo imenovala Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tarragona, España. Kompleks Hard Rock Entertainment World bo obsegal dva hotela s…

Španija – Hard Rock naredi nadaljnjo predstavitev katalonski vladi

Following on from Hard Rock International’s effort to develop the Hard Rock Entertainment World project in Tarragona, Hard Rock continues to comply with government regulations, and on last week presented the Plan of the Integrated Tourist Center as requested by the Catalan government. All parties involved were keen to put out that the process was…

Spain – Catalonia party pledges backing to Tarragona casino

Member of The Socialists’ Party of Catalonia (PSC) and Candidate for the Presidency of the Generalitat of Catalonia Miquel Iceta Llorens has come out in support of BCN World in Barcelona (now known as the Tourist and Recreation Complex). The project, located in Vila-seca and Salou (Tarragona), Spain, will consist of a unique combination of…