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Tag Archives: Mehiško igralniško združenje

Mehika – Naložba na čakanju, saj se sodni boji glede prepovedi igralnih avtomatov nadaljujejo

Združenje imetnikov dovoljenj, operaterjev in dobaviteljev zabavne in stavne industrije v Mehiki (AIEJA) je objavilo, da je skupini operaterjev uspelo začasno ustaviti reformo mehiškega zveznega zakona o igrah in nagradnih igrah. V intervjuju za mehiški medij Reforma je predsednik AIEJA Miguel Ángel Ochoa dejal ...

Mexico – Mexican Gaming Association criticises new tax in Nuevo León

The Mexican Gaming Association (AIEJA) has reiterated its disagreement with the new taxes which will be imposed on the gaming industry later this year. The AIEJA says that the new taxes are unfair as other businesses in the entertainment sector do not pay such a high rate of tax and that the new law does…

Mehika – mehiški zakon bi lahko bil sprejet pred koncem leta 2015

The President of the Mexican Gaming Association (AIEJA) Miguel Angel Ochoa Sanchez, said that he expects that Mexico’s new law could be approved during the second regular legislative session of the Senate. Lasting from September to December he said that it was urgent that lawmakers adopt new measures quickly during this final session in order…

Mexico -Mexican Gaming Association defends casino safety record

President of the Mexican Gaming Association (AIEJA) Miguel Angel Ochoa has defended the safety record of Mexican casinos in response to the US Department of State warning which advises American citizens against visiting gaming establishments in Mexico. Mr. Ochoa said that the safety of foreigners who attend casinos in Mexico is guaranteed due to a…

Mexico – Mexican association makes push for hotel slot sector

Popular tourist destinations in Mexico such as Cancun, Los Cabos and Puerto Vallarta could see hotels with slot parlours on their premises if a new project is given the green light by lawmakers. The new initiative has been put forward by the Mexican Gaming Association (AIEJA) and would allow for 20 to 30 slot machines…